Generali Korona Obligacji Uniwersalny
Generali Korona Dochodowy
Short-term debt sub-fund
Portfolio risk:
interface.minPayment100 PLN
* The results obtained may be reduced by the front-load fees and the taxes due.
Fund Characteristics
Generali Fundusze FIO
Min. investment horizon
6 months
Min. initial payment
100 PLN
Min. next payment
100 PLN
Investment Policy
- A flexible portfolio based on four groups of debt instruments – domestic T-bonds, domestic corporate bonds as well as foreign T-bonds and corporate bonds.
- Investments mainly in Poland and in the Central and Eastern Europe region.
- Lower sensitivity to interest rate changes due to the dominant share of bonds in the portfolio whose term to maturity is under 397 days or whose interest rate is fixed for periods not longer than 397 days.
- Striving to hedge against the FX risk.
The sub-fund also has the possibility of investing funds in investment categories other than the ones defined above. A full description of the investment policy is set out in the Fund’s articles of association which are available at, tab: Documents.
On December 19, 2024, the name of the sub-fund changed. Old name of the sub-fund – Generali Korona Dochodowy.
Investor profile
The sub-fund is addressed to investors who:
- intend to invest their financial surplus in the sub-fund of short-term debt securities issued by state governments and enterprises,
- accept low investment risk,
- whose investment horizon is at least 6 months.
The benchmark is an index calculated on the basis of the WIBOR6M rate applicable two business days before the last day of the previous calendar half year, increased by 10 basis points; six-month update of the WIBOR rate.
Subfund manager
Andrzej Czarnecki
Inception date
Max. front-load fee
Max. management fee
Bank account number
43 1880 0009 0000 0013 0017 5018
Currently charged management fee
Performance fee
20% of the sub-fund's net result above the benchmark in a given crystallisation period, subject to the limitations set out in the prospectus.
Useful materials